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​Heritage students view themselves as authors, become readers, and grow into confident, articulate speakers capable of expressing their ideas clearly, both in class discussions and in formal presentations. 

The mastery of reading skills fosters in each child a love of literature and an appetite for a wide range of reading materials. Heritage School strives to develop all the skills that contribute to effective reading, such as comprehension, phonetic skills, utilization of contextual clues, and critical and analytical thinking, in our students. We believe that in order to meet each child's needs, we must be prepared to respond with a variety of methods. Our beginning readers engage in daily word work to develop phonological awareness, our younger students continue to develop their understanding of language through word sorts and spelling routines, and our oldest students engage in vocabulary development practices.

The introduction of high-quality literature, both fiction and nonfiction, inspires students to create their own powerful written work. Reading forges vital links that support our student authors--our students read in study, in math, and daily independent reading. When we see our students linger in the hall to gaze upon a compelling poem or when we see students slowly walk to their cubbies, silent reading books in hand, unable to put down their books until the last possible second, we know they have become captivated by the enchantment of elegant, irresistible literature. The emphasis at Heritage School is a literature-based, integrated approach, in which oral communication provides an important link with reading. Children learn and recite poems to the community at least half a dozen times each year.

Daily journal writing and creative writing form an integral part of our curriculum. We approach writing as a process and provide individual feedback for each child. Adults, both teachers and parent volunteers, give students personal content conferences after they complete revised drafts of their writing. Adult writing mentors support students in their efforts to craft articulate, expressive writing, encouraging them to grow as writers while retaining their authentic voices. Every thematic study includes an emphasis on producing writing pieces sharing what the students have learned.

All Images and Content ©2024 by Heritage School Nonprofit Corporation.

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